Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Pumper trucks...

The pumper truck, for whatever reason he serves to be in the neighbourhood this morning has been busy pumping for the last half and hour. No worries about the chronic high pitched whine that we have been listening to. He will move on once he's done, however; the two idiot dogs that live behind us that have been out-doing the barking show with one another since the pumper truck has arrived will not be leaving....THEY WILL REMAIN IN THAT BACK YARD AND CONTINUOUSLY BARK UNTIL I HAVE GONE COMPLETELY NUTS. That is their mission in life... they know that someone will eventually crack because of their barking.

Well, must go to the Dr Dentist guy who will eat $1200.00 of my dollars to have moved two pieces of my gum from the roof of my mouth to the lower left part where my incisor is.... well... I must hurry to that appointment. I guess I will drive fast.... anything to get me away from the idiot dogs....

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