Thursday, August 19, 2004

I forgot...

I have married a Mr. Silent..absolutely completely Mr. Silent...(well he wasn't always that silent.. I managed to get him to say "I do")...we have been married for 13 1/2 years......and every day he gets a little more quiet... and I am not certain why.

I had made a list the other day...I let my husband know that he was number 10 on "the list". So if he actually wanted to speak with me.. he better think up something because his clock was ticking. Well, he never got around to talking to me...and then wouldn't you believe it... on Tuesday he came to me .. and decided that he had all kinds of stories to tell. Then he proceeded to tell me them, and more... and it continued on... when finally when I'd had enough... I asked him what day it was.

Pardon me??? he says....then I continue.......

"Today is Tuesday... and you are speaking out of turn.. your turn was on Sunday.. and number 10 on ten the list... you were forwarned about this. I am sorry but I have to pace myself... I can't be listening to all of your stories.. especially when they are out of turn....for now on... if you would like to send me a memo, or a note of "exemption from out of turn speaking", I will consider it. Thank-you for taking the time to talk to me... but now is not the time for talking"

The Outofturntalkinghusband cracked up laughing....and walked away without comment. (Now that's a good boy... talk to you on Sunday)!!


Chastity said...

Yes, I must keep him very entertained!

dkgoodman said...

The clock looks like something you'd see in class. It makes me want to keep glancing at it to see how long until I can escape. But if you really, really, want to move it down, have you tried putting some <br> tags just before it?

So... your hubbie's stories... any good ones you'd like to share? :)

BTW, I too am a Mr. Silent, but I force myself to open up a couple times a day so my wife knows what's going on. It's more peaceful when I'm not talking.

dkgoodman said...

hmmm... I'm looking at the HTML source for your page. You've got the clock embedded even before the page's <body> tag. That's kinda odd, and it's also before the Blogger navbar. I would move the clock down in your template, probably just before or just after it says "Blog Header" and see if that helps. Definitely after the navbar. Good luck.

dkgoodman said...

Well, lookee that. Your clock is no longer obscured. Good work! I'll shut up now. :)