Friday, August 13, 2004

Hair ye Hair ye

I have been doing some research.... that would be... reading people's blog, but I'll call it research all the same. I have some concerns. You will have to stay hair to read them... are you hairing me?
Now this could all be a classic case of coincidence... but there's a alot of hair problems out there. Now I am not just talking about the ooppsss I'm havin a shitty hair day... this is downright problematic "oh no I woke up again and the hair looks shittier than yesterday problems". I thinks it's become to an epidemic porportions..... who reports this to the World Health Organization?? This is going to have an impact on our quality of life.... can you imagine the line-ups at government agents offices.... or what about customs.... or what getting your passport renewed.......big and little malls all over North America.... and gas stations.... even the Library lineups will grow....our whole work force will come to a crawling hault..... and why.. because everyone will be having bad hair days. It's the government agents I am most concerned about....they only serve about 3 people a day.... thats because other duties of their employment involves water fountain duty.. and hover and cover other peoples work space...some of the day.. then take a break.... then serve someone.. and that's the trouble.. one wrong comment by Joe Public... and it's a nervous breakdown for the employee....HOW DARE YOU STARE AT ME LIKE THAT..... I AM ONLY TRYING TO HELP YOU..... CAN'T YOU SEE
This is the trouble I am talking about.... it's only going to get worse... well except at fast food outlets across the world... they go to work everyday with a net over their head which gives them bad hair, and can still somehow manage a smile and a perky voice through their headsets..... so where are all these people now when we need them at the government agents office.


Unknown said...

If you were a bloke I could say Hair today gone tomorrow

Chastity said...

This is serious stuff Deanna!!

magz said...

personally, i think my hair looks fantastic! although, strangely, i seem to have not one mirror in the house...and hey! thats why god invented hats! he he he

Terri said...

Hair! I'm in the "needing everything" stage. Perm, color, cut...I've been trying to grow it out but that's driving me nuts, I need a perm but hate it for the first 3 months. Then I get about 12 months of body. I tried to cut my bangs myself - BIG MISTAKE. I'm having a bad hair year I think.