Monday, December 30, 2019

Almost the end of a decade.

Close call and all.

Schlepping in ... pretty much in the 19th hour ... just to say... HEY I MADE IT!!

I can’t even do a recap of the year, as that would take a shit ton of concentration, and this aging Wilba-Lou is almost out of memory juice!

I think it snowed in January, and the gluten girl and I went to a gluten fair. And sushi on Granville. When I USED to eat sushi, but I will get to that.

February, was (AND STILL IS) the shortest month ... SUPER SUPER SUPER big month for the WildBoy and the band ... they made it onto CTV ... did it take them anywhere ... not as “the people” promised ... THAT SAID ... what a truly wonderful journey, and not everyone can say they have made it to television, let alone to be picked out of 30,000 applications to be on a show. For me, I putted along at my irregular pace.

March.... that was the month the Sir and the boy dismantled trees from our trees. They chucked baseballs into the branches and then strong armed them to the ground. I have videos, hopefully I do not accidently delete them.

April. It was spring .. The Sir’s mom up and died on the 27th. Sad, almost shocking, but peaceful, in reality, not really a bad way to go. She left her house full of over 80 years of treasures, which we were now in charge of getting rid of. Bless her, in a way an atheist would wish to be blessed.

May .... I decided I was just simply too large, and had to shed some weight .. so I embarked on doing “keto” ... whatever that meant, but a change of tides was starting to happen. I completed my Diploma in Rehabilition & Disability Management at SFU. Wow, go me.

June ... I think I am losing weight!
July.... I think I am losing weight!

..... and then we will have to fast forward all the way to August when again I made my way to Port Alberni to see the wildboy. I went with my long time forever friend ... she claimed she did not recognize me in the parking lot. I will believe her .. since she wears glasses and all!

September I got a manicure after 28 1/2 years... after a day of gardening while not wearing gloves.

October we high-tailed it to Cannon Beach, it was a beautiful time. Our plans ran askew when the Sir got nervous about trying to visit with our dog, and my friends dog. I was super disappointed. So we made alternate plans, and in the end, it actually was for the better.  At the end of October I hosted an 80th birthday party for my mom ... it was a surprise .. and she was surprised .. gotta admit .. pretty happy over that event!

November sped along, and I managed to excitedly shed pounds and actually take beastly boy for a walk for the first time since having the leg re-assembled into a fake one. Him and I went eagle watching... it was beautiful. I became a “trainer” for amputee volunteers.

December is almost out the door, but not before I have set up my new tri-pod, taken photos, sent the girl to Disneyland, and have almost managed to lose 50 pounds. Oh, and I still do not have a new job!

I am once again hopeful and grateful for the good people, and good things that come to my family, friends and myself. May this next decade bring continued fulfillment in each persons lives.

Peace be with you.