Monday, August 23, 2004

Even though you didn't ask... I'm gonna tell ya..

You know what freaks me out..... little enclosed spaces... now I'm not a freak, and I can go in elevators....but you pop on the Discovery Channel and you have people exploring little holes in the ground..............aaaahhhhhh geeeees, I can't watch that... gross, god get out of their you idiot !!! That's the reaction.... I could never have been a successful cave woman... well my hair could have managed. But the rest of me.... I would have been that freaky cave lady that lived under the ..... what would I have lived under? I know I wouldnt have lived in a cave, I bet my spot for sleeping would have been at the back next to the wall.. with a long hallway that lead to where????..... I have watched shows where they explore submarines, and scuba divers that explore caves, and people that crawl through cracks to find places to explore, all of it is ewe, ewe, ewe... I watched an Alfred Hitchcock show once where this person got buried alive.. oh freak, oh freak, oh freak...... yes, oh isn't their something that happened in Africa where people were bitten by a bug... and people thought they were dead.. and they were being buried alive... gross gross the reason for this noteworthy nonsense....... it has become very cloudy here the last couple days... and this double whirly-gigged helicopters just flew the noise found it's way down here, which sounded like the helicopter was entering through our sliding door..... which got me thinking........


gemmak said...

Eeekkkkk! I know exactly how you feel about enclosed spaces. The mere description here of going into little pot holes and caves has made me all yukky! Hehe.

Chastity said...

I'm also a bit of a claustrophobe. It's really big around here to go spelunking....especially to dive and enter underwater caves. Just the thought of it gives me a tight feeling in my chest.