Friday, August 20, 2004

Guess what !!!

Guess, just guess ..... guess guess guess who I took with me to go and watch bears tonight?
Once again... YOU ARE RIGHT !!!! My Silenthusbandturnedbearwatcher came with me...and just him and I watched for bears. Except we saw a lot of deer instead... there was one bear wwwaaaayyy at the end of the trail...... but that was it for tonights little hunt. He's a good guy to take with you.... he doesn't say much... no questions... you can just quietly plod along... because the bears like to be surprised by humans.... I'm thinking he had something up his sleeve with this little ploy tonight.... alright that's it... he's never coming bear watching with me again... he tried to have me offed...... that bastard !!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Chastity said...

I like all of these little husband stories lately. Haven't heard much about him before.