Sunday, September 26, 2004

What do you do with the chicken?

This being Sunday... as a kind gesture, I decided to put together some assemblance of a dinner. A dinner that has a bunch of colours that all go together. Of course I bought the lovely roasted chicken from the grocery store... it was very good, all $8.99 of it. I compared prices.. and a raw version was $8.00. So, I figured I was getting a good deal. Feeding your family cooked food is once again a kind gesture. We have a very simple dinner plan at this house. We used to have sit down family dinners, that doesn't happen much anymore. Someone was usually sent away from the table angry and tearful, and the only family members that were left were the eldest and furriest members. The eldest members of the family would sit and not talk and eat their dinners, and the furriest members would sit at attention just in case the youngest members didnt make it back. Our new plan, which has been in place for quite a few years, finds family members rejoicing in their beautifully coloured Sunday Dinner plates in all corners of the house. Everyone has smiles, and everyone eats it. Believe it or not.... with all this polite practice of successful dinner eating... this family is able to go out to restaurants, and not need four tables.

The tricky part to making dinner is clean up. Mr. Cleanandtidy asked me what I am going to do with the chicken. "What do I always do with the chicken?" I ask him. He says, "Nothing, you forget about it, and I clean it up otherwise Elpee (younger sillier evil shepherd) will jump up and get it". "Alright then, it's settled...I'll do the same thing with it tonight".... he he he he he he

Oh, and by the way... if anyone happens to speak with Mr. Cleanandtidygreatpresentbuyingman I am wanting some new binoculars. I need them. I don't need glasses, I need new binoculars. I seemed to have overused the binocs' this summer. Really.

Besides... I will need them to start with my latest spying adventures..... there is a Cougar in our midst....can't do that with blurry binocs.

1 comment:

magz said...

Heeeeeeeeere kittykittykitty... a REAL cougar>? wowsers! I have a secret desert canyon i visit (which i cannot be fored to reveal, dont even try to discover its location) where a real live mamma-lion raised 2 cubs last year.. we have a deal: i wont f#$@ with you... and you dont eat me, or my dogs. so far so good....
and fer yer random kind acts? toss a package of birdeseye's little greenies into yer blender... and visualize Whirled Peas.