Saturday, September 18, 2004

tick tick tick tock

tick tick tick tock... mesmerized by my green clock.....
I'm here... I'm just gathering momentum...
Actually I'm just biding time for Wednesday at 5:00 PM. That will be the Pipsters second time around at gymnastics....I am just watching the clock until then.
And I'm waiting for the blue sky to return.
And I'm waiting for the furnace man to come and install a new furnace.
And I'm still lurking about trying to spy the biggest blackest of black bears before winter arrives.
I will wait... I may go into shock, my head may implode with an over abundance of idle anecdotes and chatter trying to will themselves onto this keyboard... but I will wait.... Gymnastics is only 4 days away....Must. Be. Patient. ( might as well slice now)
.... and back to my green clock I go....

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