Sunday, September 12, 2004

Another lovely thing....

I love apples. Oh yes, I love apples. I love apples especially when they are wrapped in Caramel. I love the presentation of the apples, nicely layed out in rows on pans, with the caramel securely wrapped around the apples skin... they almost call to you. Then of course there's the smell. Warm caramel smell. Can't go wrong with... ever. I am eating a caramel apple right now.. this very moment... except I am eating the caramel and apple separate. First it's the caramel layering... and maybe tomorrow I'll eat the apple.... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

Only the truth is written here....

1 comment:

Chastity said...

I can't remember the last time I had a caramel apple. I used to get one every year when we went to the local skuzzy amusement park. I might just have to stop by Rocky Mountain Fudge and have one soon.