Tuesday, September 07, 2004

So this is how it all went down...

The youngsters and myself made our way to school... on the first day, on time. That is the last time that will happen... I am the 9:00 on the button parent...I try, but can't help it... anyways, there are reasons why you leave certain things for the very last minute... like baking cookies for the parents while they waited around for the whole 45 minutes the kids were in school. So, as I go to find a spot to put the fesh out of the oven warm cookies... I find the Parent Association President.. and I go to hand her the bag... and then this woman walks up and starts ranting and raving about her child being frisked by cops the day before... I start thinking.... cookies, cops, cookies, cops, cookies... well I guess the cop thing takes presidence... as I am walking away I realize she isn't recounting a story.. she is practically yelling at the PAC pres lady...apparantly the PAC pres lady called the cops because some kids were hanging around, with backpacks, and looked like they were doing drugs.... so the hysterical mother is yelling, and waving her finger at both of us... and that's when the freshly baked cookies came in handy... "So" I cut in "where do you want me to put these?" I ask the PAC pres lady.... and make a eye motion to move it. I separate them.... as we walk into the staffroom with the cookies.... and leave the PAC pres lady in there in her dazzlement. I leave the staffroom, to walk back into the hallway, where the hysterical mom feasts her eyes upon me.. and begins to drill me.... I looked the crazed woman straight in the eyes and told her... "I am here bringing my two children to school, beyond that I have nothing to do with what you are going on about..so don't bother talking to me or anyone else about it"... and walked away... ( I have very, very mean eyebrows... my scowl alone should have frightened her)....I have decided I wont talk with her any longer !! That was the first five minutes of school for me.. next time I will be late... and I won't bring cookies.


Chastity said...

That's what you get for being on time :).

Deanna said...

Mine would be Christmas Day.

dkgoodman said...

Wow. Will you be my mommy? :)