Saturday, September 04, 2004

Still in hiding.....

The people here today are way more normal than the night people that were here first thing this morning. WAY, WAY MORE NORMAL. I like normal people.... they give me something to aspire to. I take little mental notes of peoples actions, reactions, perceptions... and then invent my own methodoligies as to how I would react to certain situations..... it's all very bizarre. I have had a lot of fun throwing out tons of stuff at work today..... tons... of ..... stuff...... I hope that somebody didn't need any of it.... because it's gone now..... I lack insight into this situation... it's funner to throw things out then realize that it was important afterwords....well people are beginning to throw my name around... failing to realize that I am hiding back here.. hence the silence out there... must run...

1 comment:

magz said...

I LOVE throwin stuff away! I'm a fiend for it! My bottom line? if i aint thot bout it, looked for it, picked it up or wanted it in the last 30 days... pfffft... it;s outta here! makes fer some interesting bill-payin sessions... and its the mostest fun when it's other peoples stuff!