Thursday, September 09, 2004

Well I lied....

Can you believe this.. how in the world am I awake half the night, and the Mr.Notsosilent is busy sleeping.... and yet he heard a big crash in the back yard. How is that? How does he get to hear the big crash.. I have to review the steady stream of shows that I reviewed in the great middle of darkness...because it was then that our fourty year old willow tree twisted, snapped then fell over.. and crashed. There was no wind either. He was the one asleep and I was the one awake...or was I?


Nan said...

I hate when that happens! The last two nights That Man O'Mine has heard the kids getting up and the dogs getting up (at about 2:30 for water and potty breaks, etc.) and I have slept through it all! Not that I mind sleeping through it all, it's just the whole martyr'd, "Oh, I didn't sleep well, the kids(dogs) had me up half the night." argh! I give no mercy, though, as he was able to sleep through the crying babies of a decade ago..

Unknown said...

men seem rarely to hear, even when they're listening: I's part of the mars venus thing.