Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I've cried once too many times today

Deanna the seagull saver cried when Mr. Seagull was picked up by the local animal helpers. I couldn't leave this poor guy running around a parking lot... only to be squished by a careless nominded impatient idiot. (Those are the types of drivers that exist around here). .... hence why there was a crazy woman running around in a parkinglot with a box in her hands this afternoon.... waving the box at drivers when they got too close the stealth footed seagull. Hopefully they can fix his broken self, and send him flying...
Crying session number two... today was gymnastics day. There was a lot to cry about here. Why oh why do we not own a video camera. The hour that my Pip was their, was once again priceless. Today I had tears streaming down my face... and the lady sitting on the bench next to me asked me if I was ok. This girl is just killing me... she is truely in love with being in gymnastics... and is trying to the best of her ability.... and I am having the show of my life. The lady told me I wasn't allowed to laugh. I will laugh, and laugh and laugh. (The quiet laughing... that make tears pop out that is). My Pip has no idea how much I laughed. I laughed because I love watching her so much, from here on in, she will only get better. After 5 consecutive tries of trying to do a summersault she finally did it. Time after time she was kicking the wrong leg up first trying to do a cartwheel, which the end result was watching her rolling on her bottom, and seeing the arms and legs flying in the air. See, my warped sense of humour tells me this is funny. The girl still has the biggest smile on her face, and once again she looked absolutely princesslike, with the arms and legs of a giraffe.

1 comment:

gemmak said...

I loved your description of the little one learning to cartwheel and summersault, you are some mum :o)