Monday, September 20, 2004

Divorced and Widowed

So, Mr. Cleanandtidy is taking the week off work... I totally forgot,'re here all week are you? I had no idea that he would be at home for a solid 5 days in row cleaning and tidying the kitchen. He is also supposed to be falling trees out in our backyard. That which of course has me worried... will I be divorced by the end of the week or widowed.......(insert laughter here).........

So, on the verge of his grand holiday.... he stops by the grocery store and buys the goodies for a roast beef dinner, including dessert. Mr. Cleanandtidy is also a Mr. Goodcook. Not that you can screw up that sort of thing (I prefer not to even try).... but he also lives up to his name Mr. Cleanandtidy.... which he took care of the dinner issues this morning.... since it was his first day off of work and all.

I will let you in on a little took 13 years of being married before I cooked him a roast beef dinner. That was last April 13th.... the only reason that happened was because he had hurt his back, and was flat on his back in bed and couldn't move. I know that because I asked if he was going to be able to cook the roast or not... is it going to have to go bad... or, or, or will I have to do the deed...apparentley it was adequate...because I am still writing anecdotes about his husbandry behaviours.

I have some issues though... with his holidaying and such. He has decided that he enjoys the Playstation 2 a bit much. So, I am wondering if I will be divorced by next week. See, the whole reason he is going to fall trees (one of which is the broken willow that needs to come down... seeing that it is kind of dangerous and all to have dangling there).. is because for the last three years (well before that really) he (WE) have needed a shed. Big Time. Big Big Big Time. But now on his holidays... he has rediscovered his love of playstation 2. I am not partial to his bad decision making. I am thinking that I should start baking.... and creating things in the kitchen.. not because he likes to eat the things that are created... he just doesn't like the transition to disorganization that I can quickly transform the kitchen area to. That way... it (the playstions) is out of sight.. and hopefully out of mind. Good plan. Will it work? No.

And there's more issues.... I have just spotted his handwriting in my crossword puzzle book. In the bathroom. This behaviour will be put to an immediate halt.

How about this... he had to be Mr. CleanandtidyMOM today. The precious little pipster girl had a baddish type of burp in class today... you know...the kind you have to swallow... anyways... she told the teacher... and that teacher being a good teacher called our home... and home THE PIPSTER came... and Mr. Cleanandtidymom had to go and get her. So she curled up in our sometimes warm bed (that's only because I don't get to sleep in it half the time because someone sleeps RATHER LOUDLY)...and he looked after her by playing playstation 2. Come hell or high water that precious pipster will not be coming home tomorrow. I will send her with an assortment of bags if she so requires them.

Oh, and finally... Mr. Cleanandtidynontreecuttingman will be joining us on Wednesday for the gymnastics class.. this will be a rare appearance put in by him... because he is never home at the ungodly hour of the day (5:00).... and the final straw.. he will be able to make it to the kids first open house this Thursday....I am thinking... he may get used to "being around the house", or "the kids keep asking for him".... I have to somehow drive him away.....I know... I will start making him dinners... certainly he wont stick around for that.

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