Wednesday, September 15, 2004

The Pipster and the Piano Man and Warmth

Today was the day that Pip started gymnastics. It is a whole new world to me. I am way way to practical.... until this very day, I had never entered into the gymist world. I mean really where can you go with gymnastics... other than get an A in PE when your in grade 11 and 12. But today, that princess of princess looked gorgeous in her new used lavender body suit with just a hint of silver sequences on it. There she was, grinning from ear to ear, and she had her little concentration tongue sticking out the side of her mouth the whole time. She was priceless, she couldn't do a summersault, fell numerous times on the trampoline, could not bounce and land on her feet on the vault, couldn't bounce on a springboard and then jump up onto a cushioned box, the balance beam she fell off of... but guess what, that smile stayed on her face... and she looked damn good in her little lilac coloured suit...I can't wait for next week.

The Piano Man had his first lesson today. He needed to practice before he went. I wasn't sure what he wanted to I told him to play me a song piano man.... (strangley familiar), and he did.... of course he had on his extreme concentration face, except his tongue stays in his face.. he just somehow maneuvers his jaw to keep it locked inside. That boy... I showed him how to play a song that he wanted to play... a couple times listening to the notes... there he was, playing it.... hopefully he will learn to read music this year... because both myself and his piano teacher are rather convinced that he can't read music. I can vouch for the fact that he can definitely play.

Well, must go and get pyjamas on, and a find blanket, and warm socks, and a pillow, and sweet talk the 11 year old evil queen but doesn't look like it dog to remove herself from the couch, so that I can go to sleep their. Mr. Noiseysleepinghusbandman has gone to bed.. hate that, hate that... hate that... but on a warm note.. the furnace man came by and loaded my nonfurnace minded brain facts and figures about furnaces, and BTU's and overflows, and outflows, and cost saving vs money wasting and double vented, and upflows and downflows... I didn't get much of it at all. In fact I am still confused why if our current furnace gives out 75000 BTU's, and he want's to install a furnace with 60,000 BTU's... how this is going to work.. because apparantley ours is working at 40 % effiency, so we have about 40000 BTU's currently with a loss of 35000 into the air... all of this will cost me $2100.00 plus taxes. That is the part I did get. I didn't have the heart to ask the man to repeat the first part again....


Chastity said...

I think gymnastics are great. They are just as beneficial as any other sport. I mean really, how many boys really go on to play college or pro sports? A handful maybe. If she loves it, it will give her something to look forward to, and she'll probably meet a lot of friends that are interested in it too.

gemmak said...

I'll tell ya what she can get aside from an A in PE....completely wrecked joints! As an ex gymnast of many many years believe me! Having said that and scared you half to death, I'm sure nowadays the equipment is improved and hopefully they don't get worked so damn hard.