Monday, June 13, 2005

Just about the end

Not for me.. at least I hope not that is. But this is the week for the great big end to everything. That is nice.

In the meantime.. I am searching for the magic that is going to keep the children exiting their beds in the morning.. although this very morning, I mentioned to the boy that he was going to accompany me to my group... and like a piece of magic there was The PIP standing next to me. Tomorrow is already taken care of... it's a field trip.. and The Pipster is already excited.

Speaking about the end... the baseball is a never ending ball game... really. I mean really really. There is still TWO weeks left until the end is officially the end.

In other endings.. I may have just ended a moles life... and that is all oogy-schmoogey, not my intention at all...but there was a very long raised trail travelling through my front yard... so I went and gentley stomped it down.. if you can be a gentle stomper that is... I am wondering if that's where the saying "gentle giant" comes from... ??

And in other endings with no endings.... is the amount of laundry that is still on top of the washer.., if someone can see and ending in that... would you let me know... someone must have a secret to that.... and I don't want that silly thing called "housekeeper" and "you" attached to that answer.

1 comment:

gemmak said...

Sorry hon, I don't have an answer to the unending washing pile, if you find one let me know :o)