Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Once again.. in the knick of time....

Clearly I found my Guitar Music for Small Rooms 2 in a timely fashion… including in that “timely fashion” … were the nice pills that I just took. Well.. they’re not exactly pills.. as in Dr. prescribed, but rather Deanna prescribed … as in B complex… those are my nice spills that I speak highly of. Two of those plus a mega-multivitamin… and others… like Cod Liver Oil CAPSULES.. for those that need to be in the know, and you know who you are (bye bye TMJ!)…. Enough said. Why do I need to take nice pills on a regular Tuesday afternoon…. It has come to my attention this lovely dull but pleasant afternoon as I am meandering around and watering my plants ( ultimately avoiding what should be done, like boring things of vacuuming and cleaning places where messy paws have walked.…) that things are not going well with the watering issue… because I keep swearing at my plants: I mean really,… holy (fill in the blank)…. I just want to water my freaking plants…..!!! Now my question of the hour is… will my plants still grow since I am swearing while watering, rather than speaking pleasantries…are there really rules to this sort of stuff??? The whole problem being that with each attempt at watering.. the water spills to places other than the desired location…… but with a couple of B-complexes downed and the wonderful guitar music played by the GYPSY KINGS ~ FOREVER, and OTTMAR LIEBERT ~ SANTA FE ….. that has cured all of the water woes I seem to be having… it’s this kind of music that sets you in groove to open up those sliding glass doors, and windows, take a deep breath….. paint, create, contemplate, brave new challenges and find that inner peace. This music is clearly not good for accomplishing vacuuming tasks… don’t even try…

neighbours… what neighbours?? Happy Tuesday

In other moments that make me thankful for the "in knick of time" phenomenon is the great hopes that I will begin seeing a great downpouring of rain... like NOW.... because once again... it's baseball night..... since the season was over last, LAST Tuesday and all... why not just play another game ... because we can... HA!.... if the weatherman can just do me this one huge favour... and freaking pour with rain.. I would be most happy...because now that I have taken my happy pills, and have been serenaded by the ultimate in feel good music... I believe that the girl wouldn't have a hope in hell in pissing me off now... but I am certain she will try... just sensing the fact that I am Ms Calmybalmy... and in other knick of time news... I am happy to have found the boys Tae Kwon Do uniform scrunched in his bag... all beautiful and wrinkled for this afternoons class... but... it is in the new old dryer for immediate dewrinkling... WHEW....

Now I'm really off... to collect children and other specimans.....

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