Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Silence of the rain.

It is quite warm outside, even though the clouds have rolled in... and it is now pouring. Today would be the day that I like to hear the rain fall... it's a pleasing constant sound, and for now I like it... I am not certain I will have the same feelings tomorrow when I am trying to accomplish big things. But as luck would have it....I have some place to be tonight... a secret society ... filled with crazy people. I fit right in. I am quite happy to report that it is the last PAC meeting of the year... and I will never have to go to another one... if I don't feel like it... and that is a pleasing thought~! I would not have gone to the one tonight if my friend had not reminded me of tonight's activities... so out of guilt/clean conscience I have to go. It is not so bad... they serve alcohol on the last nights meeting.. so that is worth the effort... although...last evening as we were drinking and calling it scrapbooking... I drank some lovely red wine... my hands swoll up.... but I had to drink it to the last drop... just to be sure that it really was the wine causing this annoying freakish event..I will go with something different tonight.

Meanwhile it is raining, and now I must go to the meeting of the minds. HA!


Chastity said...

When you drink and scrapbook how do your pages turn out?

Anonymous said...

Come on, your hands were not that swollen, you were just too pre-occupied with having a social night out to do too much work!