Friday, May 13, 2005

voodoo truths

I have lived through a vicious week of pain throughout my face which radiated through my temples, and down into my ear and up through and around the roof my mouth. And, just to fool me, it would subside, and stop... then start up again with a vengence.... yes, very similar to (a womanly word here... so boys.. you won't have a clue).... a contraction. That pain has subsided now. Interestingly, my sister stopped using me as her voodoo doll of lies simultaneously withthe pain stopping. Oh thank you sister. She was in hysterics laughing about my pain and sudden Tylenol 3 habit... as she had to borrow my name to get out of an obligation that she didn't really want to go to. .... and all the tales that were told to the obligatory visitee.... came true .... it was a nice experiment in voodooism.

In other truths of the day......I shall list them....
  1. I still DESPISE build-a-bear... but the girl conned me... because she got a gift card last week from the birthday party.
  2. The boy managed to spend time in the build a bear store, and memorize the music while there... just so he could sing it to me on the way home.
  3. I still do not have ear plugs.
  4. Sometimes Safeway is just too big.....
  5. The boy got blue separators in his back teeth today....
  6. The orthodontic contract scares me.....
  7. My girl scares me. All the time.
  8. At this moment she is in love with her new Pink Fluffy Poodle named Roxy.
  9. My sensory seeking nephew insisted on biting chunks off of the PVC type tubing that protects the bars on the trampoline.
  10. The other nephew insisted on jumping head first into the netting that surrounds the trampoline.
  11. I hope the next time they come back... it's raining.
  12. My sister is interested in getting a trampoline... it should last about a week, with her two.
  13. I have not yet asked how the Mr. Husbandman purchased his new cordless drill. The airmile accumulation must continue!!!
  14. I did however; tell Mr. Husbandman if there are any purchases to be made, that he should forward them to me in writing, and I will carry out his wishes... with my Mastercard.
  15. Also, any other wishes that do not include using the Mastercard will not be granted. EVER
  16. My sister told me she wants her fold-up lawn chair back... because the identical one that she has at her house which she claims to be mine... "the back flips up".
  17. I will be sure to ask for her piece of intact PVC tubing when she gets her trampoline... because mine has chunks bit out of it. (!!!)
  18. The catdog can tell the time... but only at 5:00.
  19. There's snoring coming from the den.... it's not getting closer, although it's getting louder.
  20. Although I was up at 4:50 this a.m., I will barely make it up for the 0530 wake up, and the 0630 pick up from the sister in the green honda people mover. That I know is the truth!

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