Wednesday, May 11, 2005


I am not certain if I am carrying the scent of a piece of chewing gum, or a lovely peppermint patty. All the same, that is the fragrance of the day... or at least it has been for the last number of days. It goes like this.....

The other day I ate some baby carrots... and like all things that grow from the earth they should be good for you.. right, wrong. Very wrong. I have two teeth that connect in my mouth... (for you dentists out there... anterior open bite)... this didn't mean much to me way back when... what the heck is that???...oh well... off I go. Not that simple anymore. Anyways... one of those tooth connections have a crown on it.... so I munched and munched on carrots, using my one carrot crunching tooth. Somewhere between Sunday night, and early Monday morning... the face realized that this crowned tooth was agitated over the events of the carrot eating earlier in the following evening... and so my face woke me up to make me aware of it's unhappiness. For whatever reasons... since my face doesn't line up... (not on the outside on the inside! in joints and muscles!!) I have that TMJ that has come to haunt me when I am not looking. So now...I am feeling the effects of whatever unhappiness my face is having at the moments... I have maxed out on the Tylenol 650 mg sustained release for the hour... and am now using a peppermint stick to ease the temporary face freakiness which has plagued it. Oh, and I'm allergic to anti-inflammatories.... which right now I would trade my bestfriend for, my 15 year old white SUV, and perhaps the new old dryer. Sorry people, and things.

So now... I have had to keep track of the stories that I was planning to tell... but they might not be that tellable now that they are old news.... there's just something about yesterday's news that is just so non-exciting..... it's like the 11:00 news... the stories were always better at 5.


Anonymous said...

"Ice cream" might help....????

Hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

AWWWWW. Poor little D. I always thought carotts looked like they may have an evil side to them,. This just proves it! Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon!