Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The tree man.

Almost a week ago now at this time the phone rings. It's the tree removal man. He would like to come and take our tree downs first thing Friday morning, but maybe more like noon.. so he says. It's a deal, I say... but you have to be here before three... because I am having a birthday party here... and it wouldn't look good if one of the birthday party goers gets bonked by a big branch. He assures me it wont be an issue, he'll be here before three. Mr. Husbandman goes outside first thing Friday morning and removes picket fences, and fences between the yards, and digs out little shrubs and a camilla bush/tree, and cuts the lawn.

And then we wait. And wait. And wait some more. And if we hadn't waited enough... we then wait some more. I don't do waiting. I am the queen of impatience... and that wouldn't be the flower that I am talking about. Take for example.......

I walk into the boy's classroom at 3:10 on the Friday..... and what is he busy doing at that time, but having yet another detention... and why... because he couldn't get his crap together... and hand in his homework, which he had done... because evil me had made him do it... but he had apparantley lost it from his bedroom, to the classroom. So I say to the teacher that I respect very much, but she makes me shake my head, as much as she shakes her head at me... but I still like her... because she makes the boy work... which is something that he is capable of... but isn't "in to" if he doesn't feel like it, but he's kind of frightened of her... which to me is a good thing. Anyways... I just say to her... not today lady teacher... (he has a fair amount of detentions... and not for being bad, but rather being air-headed... and I have to say... it hasn't done a lick of good all year... but I will continue to wait in hopes that he might just get the fact that his head is actually attached to his shoulders, although I won't hold my breathe...).. boy... I have some place to be.. and it's not waiting here for then I say to the lady teacher... we will deal with him on Wednesday when you return... she laughs at my highly psychotic ways.... and then tells the boy to take his mothers day present with him... even though it seems that I do not care for him much right at that moment... she is positive that I like him. Which is the truth... except when he makes me wait... because I get rather impatient.... as just told by me.

The squealy girls then arrive at the homestead.... and not long after that... so does the tree man. OK.... what the god's are clearly unaware of... is that I am now completely digital camera happy... and want to document every moment of the goings on of life.... so now.. I am having great difficulty capturing our finely dressed tree cutter man, and the Pipenza's birthday party event. AND... Mr. Husbandman is greatly interested in the tree removal event... but doesn't have a clue how to work the new camera... because it is mine, MINE, MINE.... so he's good and useless for capturing photo's... as useless as he was to help with the Pipenza Birthday event... it became mutitasking mayhem.

The tree cutter man was an interesting fellow to watch... I especially like the way he used his trusty assistant as a branch buffer... that fellow definitely wears a hardhat for a reason... every day I am sure is practical joker day as another tree limb falls on his head. The tree cutter man was spiffed up in his uniform for tree cutting...clogs, suspenders, jeans with a fly have up/down, and a brown tie. It's does sadden me though... a brown tie... he knew he was coming to a birthday party.. he could have been better dressed... on Easter... he wore an Easter Tie, that certainly impressed Mr. Husbandman... which was how the big decision was made to hire this guy to cut trees. Although for a while I did wince at the tree cutter man.... that little tie of his almost made a dash towards the chainsaw a number of times. You know.. for a couple of moments during the birthday party event... I thought I was going to see heads roll. Almost like a clown gone bad. Luckily... all turned out well, and they left a nice mess in the back yard to clean up.

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