Monday, May 23, 2005

Doing and Undoing.

The process of undoing is similar to the phrase of "Mr. Unhelpful strikes again"...

The other day I flew outside between rain storms and cut the (ugly) front lawn. Although, when looking at it from a great distance it all looks good. While in the cutting process I didn't use the grass catcher, but rather let the grass fall back on itself, to create the "mulch effect". What I was aiming for was a blanket that comes from nature... so that way when I put down another 10 pounds of grass seed... it would be kept warm and moist from the grass clippings... and waa-laa... the grass would grow. It was a great idea.. I don't know how much time it took for all that precision raking, so that certain spots had the right amount of warmth overtop of the new seeds. Surely this would do it. Surely.

Surely I had to be crazy to not think that Mr. Husbandman would come out and mow the lawn while I wasn't looking. Which is exactly what he did... and the reason why..... because I hadn't cut two small lines over in the left side of the yard... and clearly that had to be cut, along with the rest of the grass.... with the grass catcher... that sucked up all the just getting started grass seed with it.

This scene had absolute horror show qualities... we creep around the corner as we enter into our crescent with the 15 year old smudgy white coloured SUV... and then I start slowly and shaking my head.......NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Both the chicklets are immediately thinking ... "that's it.. this lady is finally bonkers..."..." I just don't believe this...." I start to rattle on.... The boy quickly picks up on my immediate frustration/madness.... "Oh, Oh... Daddy is going to get it.. isn't he..?... I can just tell that he is in trouble.." the boy says as he madly tries to scramble out of the vehicle to spill the beans that his father is close to getting sliced.

"So... did you notice any of the grass seed all over the lawn"... I ask him... "Well... I did notice that you didn't cut that little part over there... which means that you got distracted by doing something else... so I thought I'd finish for you"....he says.....

Well.... this just gives me another reason to enter a garden store... with my handy dandy mastercard.... so it's all good, except for the front lawn... it's still ugly.

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