Monday, May 16, 2005

Sneaking in some words....

While the boy isn't looking... I have to try this kind of stuff. He can be such a demanding little fellow when he wants his computer time and all. But, being the kind mother that I am have once again reminded him .... come here boy, now read this: HE NEEDS TO PRACTICE HIS PIANO BEFORE HE CAN USE THE COMPUTER... he is such a good young son. .... as he pounces away to the den and his oreo cookies.

And.. in other moment of the day news that I need to report, that no one needs to read.... I, can solemnly say.... I am able to predict the happenings of the day at my stroke group... before it actually happens. We had lots of food, and lots of people, and the extra people that do not normally arrive early, came early. It was all good.

It is now a day for celebration. I do not need to work this weekend, or have my Group on Monday... or take the children to school on Tuesday. It's all cause for many celebrations really. If only I could be guaranteed that I will come out headache less... I would drink wine! Lots of it... well, not right at this moment as I have to go and fetch the lady Pipster from her friends house. Do wine and antibiotics go together.... or is that just pain killing drugs that I should be concerned with? I believe I will celebrate anyways..... which makes me think of a story......

The other day I needed to use the phone book a whole bunch of times... all for different reasons/numbers that I needed looking up.... (I am thinking it was international phonebook use day...) One such number included the non-emergency number to the Queen's Cowboys Hotel (aka Royal Canadian Mounted Police - station) ... to let them know of the neighbourhood criminal doing criminally things...or looking that way... anyways... we have our phone books tucked away in a little cupboard... where we also store ALCOHOL! and my 5 bottle wine collection. So, there's nothing more disturbing than hauling out wine bottles, and picking the what you think is the correct phone book (because around here you only have 5 to pick from)...and putting the bottles back, and then knocking one over, and then shuffling the phone books because the one you picked, is of course the wrong one. This happened many times to me the other day.... clearly I need to start drinking way way WAY more wine. CLEARLY. I will start now.

Oh,... and in other random thoughts that should be shared at this hour.... I was waiting at the stop light today, in my 15 year old white/nondescript colour SUV. I watched this woman... who was doing nothing really, or than expending energy. And that is what I thought about. It must take a lot of energy to keep yourself this stiff and serious looking. It made me think of over filled water balloons... you don't know when they are going to burst, or what direction. Her clothes were tight, (not a bad tight.... probably just to keep the energy stores close to her) and the slit in her jean skirt gave her enough room to march her legs across the street Energy woman created such a thwacking noise from her flip flops, I could hear them with my back window down. She had her arms wrapped almost twice around her, and her purse pressed to her side. I watched her walk across the crosswalk... and just wondered to myself... is she always like this, or is it the low riding eyebrow entangled cowboy hat that is throwing her off today. I think I would like to be like energy woman for an hour or ten.... I think what I really want is to thwack in flip-flops.

Must go... and be a real person now.

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