Monday, May 23, 2005

The promise...

It was a simple promise. One that seemingly would materialize. I never lost faith in the promise. I held it close to my heart, with some anticipation, and yet a feeling of confidence. This promise would come true. Of all promises to make.. surely this would be the promise to end all promises. I was confident that the promise made, was a promise kept.

The sun shined brightly this afternoon... the first time it has done this in weeks.

Can one Mr. Husbandman build a shed in only 5 hours worth of sunlight that is left this May long weekend... as was the promise that he made... can he... CAN HE.... CAN HE I SAY!!!!!!!! Mr. Husbandman made the promise that he could whip a shed together by this weekend... and what have we got ... we have a tidied and almost rebuilt glass truck ... that is what we have!!!!

I still like him though... because he likes a tidy kitchen... and he's a do-it-yourselfer on that tidy kitchen thing. ... he also does laundry.

Who gives a crap about one lousy promise!...although that shed would look pretty this nice last night of a long weekend... I have to say!

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