Wednesday, May 11, 2005


How do you do that? How do you go to the dentist.. and tell them to fix you... but don't come near me?

My face-freak-out-spasm-for-many-hours-and-feels-like-a-spark-plug that has been injected into my face has settled. It's just tired and sore from being such a "freak face", and I can handle that... I think. The crowned tooth on the other hand has decided that it is going to be quite sensitive to the whole ordeal... and continues to give me grief.... perhaps because the face-freak-out thing overshadowed the real pain that was living in my mouth while I was busy noticing other things.

I think I am going to call the dentist tomorrow.... so he can stare at my tooth, and touch it... then I will have to yell at him... and then I will leave. Tomorrow will be a very productive day... I can just tell already. Bloody crowned things.. they just think they are so special....HA! if it only knew that it wasn't gold... but a mere porcelain jobby... this crowned tooth wouldn't think it was so special after all. It better start behaving like a regular tooth pretty darn quickly... otherwise it will be the last time it sees bristles or floss... take that !!


Anonymous said...

Looks like we were both at the dentist today...ouch!

Hope Pip had a good birthday looks like it was very well decorated!!!

Love the pics D!

Anonymous said...

looks like you had an interesting party. Not many kids get that sort of birthday entertainment. Beats a clown or balloon tying!!!
Let me know if you need me to pop by with the pliers! Ill fix the darned troublesome tooth for ya!