Monday, August 22, 2005

Meaningful moments

That is not exactly true, my favourite saying is the useless details of the day.... but that isn't my thinking pattern at the moment... this is more of how I feel. Every moment is meaningful, even if it serves little meaning at all. Anyways....You know... I just remembered something... I was going to have a cider tonight.. and I forgot. Well, that's alright.. now I have two for tomorrow night. The occasion for ciderism was for nothing... I just knew I had one in the fridge because the husbandman rattled it as he took a beer out for himself.

Back to the meaninful moments of the day: (aaaaahhhhh... the lovely list is here with us tonight)
  1. Waking up this morning and having the realization that "summer camp week" is finally here.
  2. Drinking coffee with cream, washing the very badly quad coloured hair for a long time in the shower.
  3. Two loads of laundry, plus the dishes... before even exiting the front door this am.
  4. Miss Fussy was very agreeable this morning... she was even agreeable to a chocolate banana milkshake for a quickstart breakfast. Hamsterson (the boy) didn't get a chance to be agreeable, he just got handed a glass....with the expression "DRINK!" attached to it.
  5. Trying not to smile too much as I said good bye to the chicklets on their way to summer camp.
  6. Trying to wipe the smile off my face as I left while the chicklets waited to roll out.
  7. Still trying, probably not as hard as I should be... perhaps trying a little harder now for that smile to wear thing.... no such luck.
  8. Finally slapping the smile off my face because the chicklets had left for summer camp.
  9. Immediately headed out with the smiling sis (her kids were with my kids on the bus to summer camp) and over to my moms for a day out at the casino.
  10. It's very embarrassing to arrive at a casino... with lots of parking in the parking lot... clearly we have nothing better to do with our days, than walk around, smile, and put the odd quarter in a slot machine!
  11. Hated to part with my money... could barely get the wrapper off the roll of quarters. Sadly realized that loads of machines loved paper bills just as much. Although strolling past a slot machine and popping in a quarter, and then winning eighty bucks was fun. The poor woman next to me almost had a stroke ( she was youngish, she recovered well).... because of my one crude action.
  12. Took the longest route in the world to get to the mall with the sis, and the mother today... but that was alright... I still had cash in my pocket and a stupid smile on my face....and I was sitting in the backseat of the sister's van....
  13. Had the rather aged stair stepper returned to my home today. The sister had been borrowing it, for the last 5 years. The foamy handle holders have been chewed off, and the plastic clock thing have been chewed away... by her son... but it's still workable. Mr. Husbandman just shook his head in disbelief. I, on the other hand have witnessed it's sad demise over the years, but just chose to leave it at her house.. unsure as to what to do with the decrepid piece of equipment... I guess I will start using it again...
  14. Shop Vac'd the ugly cement it is a clean ugly cement deck.
  15. Fed the plants out back... and then remembered way too late that I had a front yard, which included poor starving plants. Oh well, there is always tomorrow.
  16. Went up to see the bears... and we saw four of them. We even got the whole cuteness thing going on when one plunked itself down at the side of the road... and had to sit and think about whether it was actually going to cross the road at all.
  17. The stick girl bear watcher that I normally wave to and compare bear stories with decided to tell me her whole life story for quite some time tonight.... while bear watching of course. Stick girl scares me, she can't get anymore stickgirl than she already is. I will have to remind her to feed herself amongst her busy life of interesting facts. I am certain that she hasn't been penciling that (food) in for herself in the last number of months.
  18. It is best to pay attention when you take vitamins while reading the computer screen. Zinc is about as ugly a flavour as it gets when forgetting to gulp water with the actual zinc vitamin. It is truely a most grotesque taste, and it doesnt' matter how many drinks of water you take after the fact.... the taste still remain, but slicks itself up down the esophagus for a real long time. Longer than long actually.
  19. OK, for the tenth time.... me, or Mr. Husbandman will not be reporting for jury duty... until we are of the age 65. Thanks for asking, it's not happening. Go find some other happy go lucky sucker that will not be FINANCIALLY DESTITUTE if one of the family members serves on jury duty... that isn't exactly how I worded it in the letter of excuse... but I wanted to. On second thought... I would probably see Mr. Husbandman home at around 4:00 for 5 weeks... so maybe I should have put some extra thought into that letter. He could maybe... FINISH THE SHED.... for a start!
  20. OH, and talking to a friend earlier... these are the words out of little lady pipsters mouth as she sat at their house for dinner, behaving in a most unusual fashion...
    "Broccolli isn't my favorite vegetable, in fact its my least favorite, so I don't think I can eat very much!".

1 comment:

Mz.Elle said...

I watched and waited for my bear and it didn't come!Waaaaa:(
lol,it must have *known* I was out there.
I think I need to head out to your bear spot,or else leave my garbage out for a few days...ewwww,ok,may be I won't do that;p

Congrats on the win!