Wednesday, August 31, 2005

May I borrow your

Corner Rounder?

Those are the same words that come out of my mouth, every time the Debbie's and I get together for scrapbooking.

I should include a little detailed history as to the scrapbooking.

It's Debbie fault that I scrapbook. Yes it is I say. How's that for pointing fingers?

Once upon a time way back when she invited me to go to a seminar. That was my first night that started not only my love affair with scrapbooking, it also started a thing with the corner rounder. She is the one responsible for transforming me to the freak that I am about scrapbooking. For example, last night while out with a friend, doing some useless tasks ( I will come clean with the sis about the useless tasks, as that is usually the sis and mines deal... but I believe she was busy last I had to move on)... anyways.... we were looking at stuff on shelves, and the next thing you know... I saw some scrapbooking stuff, and like polar opposites... ~~~~fwamm~~~~~ I was standing next to the items, madly in love and carressing the items of interest. But, being the cheap scrapbooker that I am... moved on due to the lack of price tags on the items of interest.

Moving on...

Last year, while at the PNE I bought myself some super-sonic MANUAL mop. It has been a great love of mine for the past year, although you would never know I have had a love affair with an amazing wondermop like the one that I got at the PNE. Somehow fourty year old floors look no different on the before, during and after experience of mopping. I haven't figured that out yet.... either has the non-reno-king. He is indifferent to floors that you can not clean. So that was last years purchase... something that the whole family could love, but apparantley it was only me that was big on the attraction the wonderful mop. This year ... something different happened. I found a corner rounder. (Well, I was with one of the Debbie's ... and she pointed... then I had to crash past her) It happened all of a sudden, and there it was upon me, sitting open to the world, waiting for a pair of hands to pick up it, and make it their own. I have done as much research on corner rounders since my very first experience of using the device, and have bought other items and devices, and nothing has measured up. This one I have to say is the orgasm of corner rounders. I love my scrapbooking all that much more now.

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