Sunday, August 07, 2005

How can it be August?

I have barely even seen July.. and it's already August. I have too many things on my agenda for July... we will have to work harder and faster. On that thought.. tomorrow morning.. I am going to take the chicklets out for some painting... I am not sure what we will paint.. but I am ready to take them to some not so secluded spot.. and chuck some paints and brushes their way.. and hope for some little Reniors or Monets to emerge. I have already decided that the Pip will not be allowed to paint things that are any form of red or white.. because that will surely cause the colour pink... and unless it's a beautiful flower... I don't want to see it, or the "cutesy-wootsey" animal form that will take shape.... but of course it's all about the freedom of expression. ... right? WRONG! I will be handing out various colours of blues greens and whites.. and see what kind of magic they will be able to perform.

In other items that I will need to bring with me... my bike helmut and Vitamin B and perhaps a clove of garlic. Both of these items will ward off the potential scariness of the Pip... like chucking canvasses at my head, and keeping me calm while she scares even the bees away. The garlic will serve no purpose... I might just chew it raw to keep my thoughts inside my head though. I could be diving from a very high cliff tomorrow.

Hopefully I will catch up to Augusts agenda soon...

1 comment:

Chastity said...

You missed July huh? I could live my entire life in the month of July if that were possible....definitely my favorite month.