Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Late in the evening...

Late in the evening,
and all the books are read,
nothing more to do...
other than make the children go to bed.

All I have done all day...
is sing a single little tune
I have done a wee bit more...
Rather than dispell myself as a loon.

It goes something like this,
a fairly simple song,
the words are fairly easy,
and it isn't very long....

One container, two container,
three container four.....
all the laundry is done,
and there isn't any more!

Wash it and dry it
and fold it with care
stack it in a pile
except for the underwear

Now the day is done,
and all the laundry has been groped
As I worry for tomorrow's load...
as now I am out of soap.

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