Tuesday, August 30, 2005


The sweet and lovely sound of children growing up. Oh how sweet it is. I am especially fond of the "hard done by" sarcasm that the boy has recently mastered, brilliantly mastered. I will not cut him short on that one. The sad truth of it all, he has me for a mother, similar to a brick wall and a little magic. Some days I will bend and sway as he blows his sarcastic self-centered comments across my brickly self, and other days they will bounce back and hit him right smack in the centre of his face, where he remains stunned and confused for quite some time. Today he has conquered the latter. He is now building character in his room, all by himself. Him and stuff, can be as one. I will await his personality transformation, if there will be such a thing. Perhaps he will lose his sarcastic self-centered self while being on his little lonesome. I can hope.....

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