Sunday, April 03, 2005

Taking it down a notch:

I have to go to work... it's just part of what I do on this planet that shines with life. I am not at work all the time.. in fact.. I like to go very little, unlike many of the other millions.... except my friend Rita... I ran into her the other day.. after I was done hiding out at the library on the computer while saving myself from hundreds of books and pieces of knowledge as I waited for the brokenback to be done with physio. I quite like Rita, she spreads good cheer and an interesting way of life.. and thankfully she did it right in front of Mr. Husbandmans ears. She doesn't work.... because her husband says... "Don't if you don't want to"... hmmmm ... tap tap tap.. I would really have to think a moment about that one. But then she goes on.... " we are renovating our house, well actually it's the gym in the basement that we are renovating.... because the house was only built 2 years ago... it's not too much... we have a guy coming in a couple of weeks to finish it off..." .. (Mr. Husbandman listens very quietly...).... Me, being me, continues to ask tons of questions.... and then I find out... she stopped bringing her young boys hot lunches at school everyday... because it was starting to interfere with her gym time, and her lunches out, and her coffee with friends. I turn to Mr. Husbandman.... see... she barely has time to see friends..."I must stop working immediately"... I say to him... (He continues to stand very quietly... with no response)... and then you know.... I begin to wonder... we just spent a very pretty chunk of change buying this hard working silent man new glasses... and I believe it was the wrong thing to do.... we should have gotten him hearing aids... because he clearly missed what I was telling him the other day... because I went to work this weekend once again. DAMN.

And in other useless tales.... another friend writes to me.. and asks me whats been going on... so this is what I write back.... because I am pressed for time at this moment.. I will cheat and pass this along.. because I have to make my way outside before the rain clouds open up again..
Life is regular... I like regular. Regular doesn't have to be shocking, and the only shocking things that regular life brings is the stuff that you buy at the mall, and I like the mall.

It's been an interesting number of months with lots of changes... let me see, to save your eardrums from pounding I will do a quick recap. November:Ellpee had a near death experience, and spent many days in the vet ((($$$$cha-ching$$$$)))) and many weeks living in a cage.. so she could recover from a back injury, that was into the first week of December. As always Christmas is busy, just because. My Dad who has been in ill health for two years was starting to make a rapid decline (STRESS!), then I got some very nasty infection.. which left my right arm with numbness, tingling & pain for a couple weeks after. My Dad was continuely failing, and there was lots and nothing to do all at the same time.Third week into January our beloved Ms. Evil Queen Cicely up and died. The following week my Dad passed away (Feb 2). Two weeks after that, I went for a test because of the numbness and tingling, and those damn xray people found "something" very suspicious on the xray... and then I had to wait a whole week before I got test results back from that... I think the moment that we found that hopefully this spot is absolutely ok Mr. Husbandman and his back gave out.(first week of March).. that bulging disk thing that renders him useless and flat on his back, or sideways.. so that was difficult watching him. Now it is April...and the daylight hours have sprung ahead.. and I am very much interested into springing into a new timezone.. and hopefully leaving all that darkness behind.

We have bought a trampoline... you spice up the possibilities for injuries on the homeland.. and Julianne has taken to riding her scooter in the homestead... because the distance is so great between rooms... the boy will be getting braces in May, Ellpee is still alive (whatever this back issue is... it can be her demise)... although Rod's back injury will not be his demise... it will just give him pain... I will be his demise.... if the girl doesn't quit cutting her hair, she will have short blond hair, instead of long blond hair. I am of course the same....bad humour, bad tempered and long winded and stupid hair. There... now I have nothing to talk about at the gillnetter... not that I would talk about that...I have new and exciting things to talk about.. even if I would have to make them up.

On the work front... I am still at the hospital, will be forever.. and I am still going at it with the stroke group.. although I believe that they think I'm an idiot... but they still like me.. and I like them... so it's all good REALLY!

Hope you are enjoying the break in the rain.... I am ... I am watching it shine through my windows!!!... No,... I am going outside now.. I got home from work a while ago...and Mr. Husband has the house all clean and tidy like he always does on the weekends....see, I shouldn't complain about my weekend job.. at least I have a housekeeper around while I am out making chunks of change disguised as a paycheque... and that note ... HA... talk to you soon, D.

OH, and about going out:
Usually most nights are good, although I am addicted to survivor, and our VCR doesn't work. Graham does play baseball, and piano lessons, plus J's got gymnastics and there's always something happening... but we can work out schedules..I mean this is the gillnetter we are talking about!

1 comment:

Kim said...

LOL! You sound a bit like me... I like normal too :)