Sunday, April 10, 2005

The courage to create

I have a list. It's long. I've yet to prepare.. but when I do... I think it might even have a hint of excitement in it. I'm hoping.

I am truely in trouble. I have to plan a three month calendar before tomorrow morning.. so far I have done well. I have all of the dates recorded on a piece of paper, and a picture that I know that I can download... but haven't quite done that yet.

My people will be waiting with baited breathe... to view how they will be spending the next 11 or 14 or however many Mondays there are until the end of June together. I have to put together a delightful list of activities that we will "engage" in. This includes no crafts... these people do not do crafts.. we aren't a craft worthy bunch... I have tried to trick people into crafts..... just by the mere mention of the "c" word.. people run screaming!

Although... I have managed to get them to decorate a gingerbread house.... and it was so much fun to watch everybody locked in their chairs, arms crossed, legs crossed... and with a scowl smearing their faces for added benefit, and growling about the christmas tunes that I put on the CD..... and yet... like the flower that unfurls in the warmth of the morning sun.... my little group warmed up to the idea... and talked and laughed and reminisced and shared stories and ate candy. The gingerbread house looked like shit... but what was doomed as a mission impossible became mission accomplished.

I have even done art lessons.... and talk about seeing people freak about not being able to draw.... and as I said to them..."you may see paper and pens and think drawing... but this is an exercise in the art of expression". The group carried on to draw their hearts out... and then gutted themselves with laughter. All this in a days work.

But... in the meantime... I have some ideas bouncing around the cobwebs of my brain... and tomorrow will be the day of reckoning... what will I put on that piece of paper that will spell out our days together...... ??? I am frightened to see what I come up with... I will have to wait and see....

1 comment:

Chastity said...

I still don't know what you're talking about, but I'd love to see the finished products.