Sunday, April 24, 2005

Some stuff I have noticed.

I like this time of year. It's pleasant and refreshing.

I like the pink petals that rain down upon us from the pink cherry blossom trees. Of course our tree in the front yard is a Japanese Plum tree, and it has chincy pink petals that bloomed a couple of weeks ago, and then disappeared into the wind. Then of course there are the beautiful tulip blooms that are raging with vibrant colour. Which brings to mind my brand new tulips that came up this year..... I am sure they would have been full of colour.. if they would only have grown properly, and their leaves hadn't curled and buds would have formed.

Oh yes.. I was writing of refreshing... there is nothing better than cruising down the highway with your sunroof open, and the back window down.. and the work crew driving home in front of you.... with their tar tub bubbling away. I LOVE THAT SMELL. Really... it's like opening a really fresh bag of black licorice.. it's that good of a smell. But of course I couldn't do that tar kind of work... now that would be bad, and too hot... and I think it would be too much of good thing.. and I would end up hating that lovely smell. I can't have that.

Now, there was something that I noticed today.. and it just freaked me out. A couple was sitting on a motorbike at a stoplight. I was afraid... because they both barely fit onto this bike... she was almost riding on the fender. One bad bump and that would be it for her rump. It just wasn't good to look at.

All of my hard work got unloaded at the dump. I only have the cleaned up pictures to proove anything... and not that they proove anything at all... I have no before shots.

The new old dryer buzz is going to kill me. It buzzes forever, and ever. I want a non-buzzing dryer.... or how about a little remote control voice... "hey.. you can come collect me now that I am all warm"..... and me... being the heat seeking person that I am.. would race to the dryer, rather than run from the sound of electrical shock that goes on forever that I am currently hearing.

I have managed to do something great this week... I managed to buy birthday invitations, and write on them, and have the girl hand them out all in 2 days. This is truely a miracle.... but what is even more of a miracle is the fact that I am going to have her birthday party on her actual birthday. Now that is truely stunning. I will bow gracefully now.... hold the applause.. I can only have so much noise going on at once.. and right now the dryer is busy buzzing. It doesn't seem like much to the naked eye... but if you were to know the truth about the boy, and his belated birthday situation... you would understand... so boy..... "When was your last birthday??"... I ask him.. OH, let me think... he taps at his temple... and seems puzzled, no wait confused... no clearly dazed.... "Birthday? Birthday... is that what you said mother.... ? What is this Birthday that you speak of... is it something fun, or is it similar to homework?" he asks.... "Yes son, it's similar to homework...I say"... "No thank-you then... he says". This actual conversation did not happen, but the facts are the truth. We now have a belated birthday for 2 years for the boy... as he coninues to wait patiently.... perhaps I will purchase some invites for him... in the next year or two. I am evil...... he he he he he he he he.

The girl on the otherhand knew exactly what a birthday was... anything that marked a milestone was a cause for a celebration. Yae... let's celebrate.. with 10 other squealing girls and crafts. It should be a grand time... and oh... how fortunate that Mr. Husbandman will be home on this day! One good thing... is at 6:01, when everyone is gone... the house will be all neat and tidy once again... I was thinking ahead on this one!

I have noticed that the Logger Guy isn't returning my calls to quickly about our broken willow tree. I will remind him tomorrow.... I wonder if he takes Mastercard.... because it will worth the price to pay... if I can get a couple of airmiles out of the deal.

On that thought... Mr. Husbandman is warming up to the idea of flying to Disneyland and being a tourist for a short while. I did suggest that we fly to the other end of Canada... and tour the East Coast... but then he said to me that we still would need to go to Disneyland... I think I may have planted a seed...I will get to leave the province yet!

OH, and the last thought... I have to give back my library book this week.....I haven't made it through a quarter of the book. Hot hot damn! I think I am going to request it again... and then in 2 weeks I can finish reading it.... unless I do a marathon reading thing... which I do not think I will do... but it would be fun to try!

1 comment:

Ozfemme said...

Oh no, not the new old dryer buzz. It never bodes well. And it is a constant reminder of the amount of fossil fuels and energy being consumed. Too guilt inducing by half.

I shall pray and hope your future contains a new non buzzing dryer or ... a miracle of electrical proportions.