Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Slip sliding away...

A quick list...

  1. I'm still here.
  2. I still haven't won the lottery.
  3. I'm still wishing that I had.
  4. I'm out digging out my back garden.
  5. I'm planting perrenials.
  6. I'm building a small rock wall.
  7. I'm renovating my front garden.
  8. I'm still raking out moss.
  9. I'm needing the tire pumped up on the wheelbarrow.
  10. I'm looking for the pumper upper thingy.
  11. I'm still sucking my chicklets into running club every day.
  12. I'm busy 'VACUUMING' the ugly deck out back.
  13. I'm serious about number 12.
  14. I'm getting good mileage from my airmiles mastercard.
  15. I'm very excited that it is sunny out, and yet I still watered my back garden.
  16. I'm waiting for Baseball boy and husbandman to get back.
  17. I'm going scrapbooking with the Debbie's.
  18. I'm not sure what magical scraps I will throw together.
  19. I'm wondering what's wrong with my dryer.
  20. I'm happy... the boys are home!


Susan said...

You wore me out just looking at that list. By the way, can you change your settings to allow comments from other blogs besides BLOGGER. My blog is not in the realm and have to use my blog url that is not current. Susan

Susan said...

have to use old URL for making comments to your site, that is. Does this make sense? Probably not!

dkgoodman said...

I didn't have trouble leaving a comment at all! ;)

Y'know, my back yard could use some work as well. :)

dkgoodman said...

I didn't have trouble leaving a comment at all! ;)

Y'know, my back yard could use some work as well. :)

Kim said...

You are so busy! And as if you dont' have enough to do already, if you want to update your link to my blog, change it to

Have a great day! :)