Sunday, March 06, 2005

Nobody knows..

It's all tragedy here.. all the time. This is the next one I have to live through. Mr. Brokenback is going back to work tomorrow. I will miss him, and all his clean ways. He is very tidy... which impresses me greatly. There is never that lived in look at our house when he is around. you know the kind of messes that follow you... tea bag on the tea bag dish, spoon in the sink, papers on the counter from the mail, bags from grabbing a couple of groceries, the pillows on the couch out of place by the stuffed cats (or rather the stuffed cats owner.. the Pipster), the boys big size 8 runners, and his backpack with his coat draped over top of it. Yes, that kind of lived in stuff.

I am going to have to go it alone this week. I am frightened. The dishes and papers are going to start hanging around... and it will all scare me. I am going to have to confer as to what the meal of the day will be.... because I am going to have to start preparing them again. I am so out of touch... a week of him being at home has ruined me... or wait a minute.. I think I was like this to start. Silly me!

Starting tomorrow... reality begins once again for myself and the chicklets, and the horror show continues for Mr. Brokenback.

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