Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Gimball walker.

Thanks to technology I got to witness the presentation of my sons foot/feet as they hit the ground every time he takes a step. Now I know why he falls over alot. ALOT! I thought it was because his 10 year old frame was attached to someone that has a 12 year old frame, and he just didn't know how to use it. Not the case. This boy actually pivots on those feet rather than using them for any form of shock absorption, hence the chronic sore left ankle he has owned for over 4 years. (He sprained it from falling ...).

Which makes me think of my boy in Tae Kwon Do. I have watched this boy for way too many years in his interestingly coordinated state... and have thought to myself... he looks awkward. Which always raised the question... he can't seem to stand comfortably on his own two feet??... Then my eyes would glance around the room where the other wild children were kicking and "hutt-ing" everywhere... and they were able to be all sure footed and gazelle like... and then there was my sweet giraffe son. Giraffes don't act all sure footed.... they are tentative creatures, with beautiful eyes. Hmmm..... I see a similarity. Well, this Friday the boy is going to test for his red belt... I am not sure how he is going to fare... he's going with all the other gazelles in the class to his one giraffe.. he is going to look so gimball walker giraffe son. (Gimball... because pinballs spring and twing off things in the machine.. and I can't use the name pinball.. because that's already taken...).


Kim said...

You write the best stories about your kids. This was beautiful...

Deanna said...
