Tuesday, March 15, 2005

It's always...

Something. That is the answer that I use for most things, that it is "something". It's good for the regular questions.. "what is that?" , "why are we going there?", "what is this?". It's a good replacement word... when you can't find the exact word for clear concise descriptions.. it can be a "something". And what about showing off... it's a great showing off word, and it can be a she or a he. It can be pretty much anything you want it to be.... isn't that "something?" Something helps you to think... "wouldn't it be something....", see it's that magical "replacement word" factor again. It's a helpful little something something...! But then, of course... it's a great word for an excuse. "Something" happened, that's how come I am late... it is always something that holds me up, but nothing in particular that I would like to speak of... so it's the perfect excuse. Managing the excitement about something takes a lot of restraint.. so when I had to give my friend details about this blogging... it was certainly something to talk about.. And what about eating... it gives free reign for pretty much anything in the diet... "how about a little something?"... which translates to: please go and get a double fudge brownie with no calories... It lends itself to the imagination... think of "something"... and while I am thinking of something... I have something to say..... which isn't something new...

I will use this exact word... "something" has kept me from writing for the past four days, which has been nothing in particular, but it has kept me from the keyboard. There was always something that diverted my attention, or zapped my imagination which left me doing other things. Then of course there were the afterwork obligations which gave "something" else to do rather than write here... so once again.. something was always happening. Of course, at one point something else caught my attention and I spent time doing something else... which I am very good at!

Needless to say, everytime I came to this exact spot.. something came up... I am hoping that the next couple of days will be free of somethings and full of somethings... but mostly I am hoping for something to appear before me... about something, or another... but that's a whole other subject.

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