Saturday, July 03, 2004

Just one more word....

So, I think I have figured out my blog situation. I am not the classic moron that I was thinking that I was. Wow,..... say that 10 times in a row. So now, with patience I think I will add some junk to this junk that I already contribute to. Oh, and I cruised through some of my high interest sites.. and who ever she is in the world hasn't had her baby. Of course that has peaked my interest, although she has already stated it's a girl... where's the fun !! All the same... I keep going back for more. I once again have made that mental note to myself... if I was a cat I would be dead. I had to call my friend to confirm that she was infact going out on a date. So she invited me to come over so she could model some of her wardrobe. She's a size 9...what could she not look good in. I wouldn't be visiting today. Nothing of extreme interest happened today.. but then I would have to leave my home to find that sort of thing. I had a vacation day today.. and where did I spend it... at home. Only because Mr Man needed to fix our 14 year old vehicle before our VACATION that starts next week... oh, I will add the dates... it is quite extensive, and the planning has been exhausting, so we have come up with the itinerary, I hope that all the people will be able to keep up... July 7th to the 11th. Did you get all that???? I am sure that it will take him the next four days to continue on with his preparations, I am not certain why I even agreed to go.. he's going to make me crazy just watching him.... and now I have to spend time with him to... ? So, the girl decided that at 10 to 10 tonight that I needed to take her out for a ride in the now new shocked vehicle. So she proclaims that she is not going to bed until someone gets her out of here.... because she has not gone anywhere yet today...I pity the poor man that agrees to be with this young lady... if they don't come equipped with two bank accounts and a rich uncle... things will never work... but she will have a good time along the way. So we're driving down our little country road... and she says... "Do you think anybody will notice I'm not wearing underwear?" Hmmmm. Let's answer that .... she's just had a bath/shower, she's 7, and blond, yes, a big thick head of blond hair. Need I write more ?? So then I ask her where she thinks I'm taking her... we were just out for a test drive after all. So she says; "Well, since we were out... could we stop by the sushi place, at least my feet are clean" she answered. My Little Pip, always the comedian. That's a rap for the day... more happened, but I am just not motivated to continue on.... these keys keep transposing themselves... so it's more work backspacing than typing !!! And then there's still the spellcheck thing.....

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