Thursday, July 22, 2004

The Day the Gas Station Stood Still

Fourth day of camp for the kids... fourth day of freedom for me. Yae. Exept that leaves me with time, time to find "things" to fill my blank canvas with... time for me to connect thoughts and ideas in my head.... this is just not safe. First I have to write:

I have to admire those out there (????), who are notably writing all about their political views and theories. I seem to come across them quite frequently.  Good for you. In fact today... I found a website that had a template that was the exact same as mine. Mind you this is a borrowed template and all... but there are so many "out there" I rarely see duplicates... except.... the one I read today had a whole political thing on it.... clearly not mine. I am not polilticaly minded... and I wonder what it takes to become one.. except that, that type of info doesn't find its way into my head... I hear about... and then its gone. Oh, and the other thing.. they (the people witht the same template as myself) had a baby today as well!!! Congratulations to all of you, whoever you are.

I dropped the kids off today, and went to go get gas... since the prices have dropped to a mere 81.9 cents a litre.... (but considering I am willing to pay a dollar fifty for a cup of 12oz coffee that gets me where????? It's not so bad). So I drive in, to the self-serve... I am too cheap to have someone pump my gas.. and there's cars and people.... but nobody seems to be moving. Alright, this is interesting.  I sit and wait. I begin to doubt where I am and what time zone I've entered into..... and don't do this to a woman that has the whole day to's only going to make begin to think wild thoughts to write about.... and no sooner did I think it... .then it all began to unfold. Little Lady Slowmotion came out of the Chevron doors, and stopped. Stopped and looked around..... as if she had lost her car at this place...."it's not the mall" I start screaming in my head. She begins to fumble inside her purse, like she had written a note as to where she had left the car. Finally, someone lit a fire under her ass.... and she scurried to... . the car right in front of her. I begin to pull into her spot... but then I have to stop..... because another person emerged.... apparantly she had gone "Chevron Grocery Shopping" for the rest of the freaking month..... I almost got out of my 14 year old SUV and asked if she needed help with her bags. Mr. Coke Delivery Man filed out of the back of his truck.... with his dolly loaded with stuff..... I must have seen him scurry back and forth 6 times while I was filling up.... and I wasn't exactly on empty either !!!! Oh, and then someone starts yelling,...... waving, and yelling and woo-hoo-ing...... I look over.... and this person makes eye contact with me.... I stare for a couple of seconds.... when the fellows "Date for the Day" says something to him.... and he stops. So I am almost finished filling up my 14 year old vehicle.... when I see him. I saw what a fat comic strip person looks like... in real life. I couldn't believe it... I screwed the gas cap back into its spot, then picked up my jaw, and closed my mouth... Cheese and crackers Deanna.... have a little decorum. Uh-uh.
I couldn't help it... I had entered into this twilight zone and this was the final encounter.  I draw people that look like this... he even had the walk... little arms and legs swinging away, back and forth, back and forth. On a sincere note.... I would hope I am not truly that evil... and I wished the man that he would find a method for weight loss... and he might have to start making those Pepsi's a Diet Pepsi instead. (I can't help it, perhaps I have a faulty perception meter........ I just write what I see).

I make my way over to the wonderful Town Centre Stadium... with it's amazing rubberized track. I love it. I then begin to walk... in circles and circles for an extended period of time. (It is not a long long time... I have too many things to do... I have no kids with me today, nor do I have to pick them up anytime soon !!!!) Once again,  I enter into "A Zone of Extreme Intrigue and Story Gathering Tales". First thing first... it felt like the movie "GroundHog Day"... the same people were there ! I tried to keep the laughter inside my head..... it's not safe to walk around in circles laughing out loud..... people will really stare at you. The same group of boys wandered in, and took their post at the hurdles, the spitting man was still their spitting, the little chinese lady with the purple winter gloves sat crouched NEXT to the bleachers in the shade clapping her hands, ( she did have a choice of many trees  that would have provided shade to clap her hands mind you), then there was the "Sheman-manshe?" (This person I am not certain what gender he/she was)... he was still wearing the same clothes as the other day).  Then there were the laughing asian ladies up on the stairs... I think they were still laughing from the other day. I'm not even certain what they were doing. One would be up... then down... then they would all be done.. and then the leader would pick-up one ladies leg, and put it down... then they would all clap... and I don't know the rest because I was still walking in circles. Once again I had to withhold laughter..... I considered cruising up the steps and asking them if I could join. My thoughts were that they would start screaming " AAAhhhh white girl... white girl... you get out silly white girl"... I thought best not do that. Then there were the Tai-chi people. They had there music playing, and they were swaying... then they would stop, and talk, then continue.I was happily listening to their peaceful music...when...... the "Quick-Walker" shot past me... got me on the outside rim. Then the bastard lapped me.  I didn't even hear him coming. He was wearing the same clothes as he was the other day to.  Then Mr Grampa-with-the-baby-stroller came up on the inside.. and passed me. Shit!!!! What am I doing here??? I wondered... the one day that I show up... and do not concentrate on walking "on the line"... is when my life goes crazy !!!! You see, today... I walked between the lines.. meaning that I had a whole lane to myself... normally I concentrate on staying on one line... not sure why.. I just do it.... probably some OCD thing...anyways.... since I was having so much space to walk in today... I had the opportunity to explore strategies and ideas that I never really give issue to. I was enjoying the scenery and the breeze, of course all the people... and asking the big guy upstairs if this was my lifes destiny.... to be walking in circles, only to jump out of that realm when my help was needed. I gave some thought to those questions as I continue to circle.... and finally when I took a good look around....  all of my "groundhog day people" had left....there was me, and a fast runner left on the track... I didn't even notice the people back the gloves, and mats and music and leave.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Hey, Deanna.

I have the same template as you too. Wait a minute, I started mine in May ~ you have my template!!!

Nice blog ~ fun to read.

A fellow Canadian,