Wednesday, July 21, 2004

in a hurry, in a hurry

I don't have much time... on the way to summer camp... but I can't help myself...
Yesterday driving home: Mr. Nine year old thinking boy says to me... "Do you think God is happy"... "oh brother... here it goes.. I think".... "Well", he continues. "Do you think he is at least 50% happy with the world he created?"....  oh oh, these out there conversations, always a stumbling block for me.... "Why do you ask?" I ask.... he continues... "You know, with all of the weapons, and warfare, and people dying, and bad things happening in the world, people hurting people,  and all of the drugs that are everywhere, people have done this to themselves... and I was just thinking if they could find a place to put all this bad stuff.... then they could rid of it... and the world would be a nice place... and then I think God would be maybe 75% happy with his world again.... what do you think?" Gulp, swallow.... brainstorm... oh were home, whew.


Chastity said...

Sounds like you've got an intellectual on you're hands.

Jennifer said...

Kids never, ever fail to amaze me.

I used to get those kinds of questions at the most inopportune times, when I couldn't really give it proper thought and attention. You know? Then I would try to go back to it later, say at bedtime, and try to re-visit the line of thought. Only by that time, whichever of my inquisitors had broached the subject would have been long past the moment and I always felt a little pang of regret.

Since you were having trouble commenting on my blog, and weren't the only one, I thought I'd share that someone suggested it might be a pop-up blocker thing. If you have a pop-up blocker active when you visit, my comment box won't come up for you - because, you guessed's considered a pop-up window. If this is the problem, and you can allow pop-ups on certain sites, that should do the trick.