Sunday, November 20, 2005

IN, under 2 hours.

This is what the Fussydolls planner has told me every day:

Science report due November 21st.
Science report due November 21st.
Science report due November 21st.
Science report due November 21st.
Science report due November 21st.

Fussy, what science report do you have?
"I don't know mama, I think I have to draw pictures of sunflowers", says she.

Science report due November 21st.
Science report due November 21st.

Fussy, where is your science duotang?
"I don't know mama, I think I lost it", says she.

Science report due November 21st.
Science report due November 21st.
Science report due November 21st.

Fussy, are you working on your science report at school?
"I don't know mama, I think my science duotang is at home", says she.

I bring you now to November 20th.... Sunday afternoon 4:30 PM. "Alright", I say to the three adult woman at my mother's home, " which one of you are going to help me throw together a science report about god knows what, in record time, with very little effort...?.... don't all speak at once..." I ask.

You have to love the "New Book of Knowledge" encyclopedias from the 1970's. They are so informative. As I know it, gardening is gardening is gardening... and although I could have hopped on the internet to find out a crash course in factual gardening, the New Book of Knowledge spelled it all out in 5 easy steps. Well, included in that factual information was some insight from none other than Bill Vanderzalm.... and there you have it... the science report. I photocopied pictures for the Fussydoll to colour, and then I read to her factual information, and then told her to tell me what I just read to her... and I typed out what she all happened in under 2 hours... and the "Science report due November 21st" is no longer a strain on my brain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey I used that encyclopedia set when I was younger....I think my parents still have the set!!