Sunday, November 07, 2004

Remaining cautiously optimistic

It is a waiting game now. Our silliest furry of evil beasts for the moment is making progress. She was able to walk today, although her reflexes (on her right foot) are still a bit slow. Time will only tell if she is able to overcome her injury. She has similar to, or the same as ankylosing spondilitis. I am remaining optimistic that her life will be extended... although I am not certain for how long. While I was at work today the rest of our little family went to visit her. Mr Build-a-ramp-for-the-dog Husband said she was quite distraught that they left her there. I will be picking her up tomorrow... not sure how I am going to get her out of the 14 year old SUV yet...not sure what magic fairy will pay the vet bill either... but that's tomorrow cup of tea.. I will wait to swallow that flaming brew.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

glad to hear better news