Saturday, November 20, 2004

Ponder the thought...

I have been pausing a moment here... and listening to the sounds of our house. The dishwasher is on, lovely sound... an appliance that works when you push a button. I'm a lucky person. Then there's the sound of the tap running at a drizzle point... it's watering my plant... that seems to be doing quite nicely considering the neglect it affords from me. Down the hall I can faintly hear the Pipster playing Barbies. In the laundry room there is the odd clank from the caged Ellpee playing with her tennis ball in her tiny quarters. Now, from the den are the three boys. The one that I gave birth to, the one that is similar aged to me, and the neighbour boy. From the den comes complete chaos, laughter, music, sound-effects, stories, roars of more laughter, directions, a virtual parade of pandamonium. Oh, and now they are all fighting.

I can only imagine what would happen if I waltzed into the den and announced that I had a PlayStation 2 game that I wanted to play. I can just see the reaction now..... they'll all be on the floor rolling in laughter. I should try it... those fools won't know what hit them.

What would our world turn into if GIRLS were addicted to these videogames like the crazy boys were? Now that's a crisis in the making.

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