Monday, November 15, 2004

Hello soccer field:

I was talking on the phone yesterday to Miss Pipster. She was just getting dressed for soccer, or at least I think she was. We were having a conversation about her impending game. "Just make sure you run Pip... just run" I say to her. "OK", she ways in her little-while-on-the-phone voice.."there's just one thing"... she continues... "I am not really sure how the infield and the outfield works. Sometimes I'm running around the infield, but other times I have to stay put in the outfield...... besides, I don't really get what all the running is about in soccer. Why do we have to get the ball across the field so fast?" she says.
Life is so confusing... did I really sign her up for soccer or baseball.... because it confuses Miss Pip when she looks at the soccer picture.. and it reads "football" club. From the looks of things.. I am not sure what sport she is playing while she is out there.

1 comment:

Nan said...

One man's soccer is another's football..oh well, that's what I hear anyway.