Sunday, November 21, 2004

One piece at a time

As I was brushing my teeth this morning a lost thought entered my head. Would it be possible to get food poisoning from a rogue bit of food caught for a number of days between your teeth? It could happen, the food getting caught bit.. but food poisoning... it would have to be a fairly large noticeable chunk.

Also, while we were driving to work this morning, we stopped to get coffee. One for the driver (my sister), myself, and the girl in the backseat. Everyweek it's the same, it's groundhog day every weekend. The girl in the backseat doesn't have a moment to get on her restraint system( most people have seatbelts in their backseat, but in the green people mover 4-door Hondacar it's a restraint system), when the sister is already barking orders for me to hand the girl in the backseat her coffee. Today I said.. "let's give her a minute to let the girl in the backseat time to put on her restraint system". The girl in the backseat piped up... "oh, thanks... no pressure today to get this system in place".

And then... when I was being dropped at my worksite.. as always, I've barely got the door open, and the two of them are then barking for me to open up the back door to get the girl in the back seat out of the back seat, and into the front seat. The green people mover has child safety doors, so the girl in the backseat can't get out. Once again, I had to talk the sister down from her frantic state.... I won't forget to let the girl out... I said. Another groundhog weekend event takes place.

I am beginning to wonder what I actually have written on my forhead when I meet up with my sister every weekend. I guess I keep forgetting to take the "DOLT" from my forehead, I guess that's the give away.

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