Sunday, November 21, 2004

Can someone help me find...

I had to go get the dictionary. Well, I leaned across the computer desk, and pulled the dictionary from the shelf. Apparently I am having word issues. I have been plain and simply confused by their and there. Really. Now I know that I can take a vitamin for this... in aid of getting my memory back... but of course I can't remember that either. The solid facts that used to live in my brain are slowly becoming distorted half truths....and I am second guessing their existence. Once upon a time.. facts were facts. I could remember numbers like yesterday... mind you I couldn't add the numbers, I could just remember them.. and now..... I am having problems just simply doing that. I think it's all the hair colouring that's doing it to me. I wonder if I just let my hair colour go whatever colour it's going to grow as... (can't. say. it...), I will start to get some of my memory back.... oh well.... who needs to know stupid numbers and the english language anyways.... now, where is that box of hair colouring???

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