Friday, October 01, 2004

Bow Wow to the Queen

It's the evil queens birthday today. She is eleven years old. She doesn't really act eleven...although her evilness is eleven years too long. She wasn't quite evil when she was young, she just turned that way. It has been her quest in life. Although she is evil to all other creatures that lay their breath upon this earth; she quite likes tall humans... she appears to quite like those creatures very much. She can do without the shorter humans of the world, but she does have a certain tolerance level with them. I mean she does tolerate the fact that the boy needs to go to bed sometime so she has to share his bed with him, she can't hog it all and expect him to sleep across his pillow, or better yet on his hardwood floor. She tolerates the Pipster, although the evil queen appears to be annoyed by the fact that the Pipster sleeps on a mattress that is beyond this eleven year old evil queens jump, and the fact that the Pipster is in love with cats. Evil Queens do not tolerate the mere thought of cats. She is actually a lovely dog, just don't let any of the stupid dog owners with the extendible dog leashes out, when she's out. The Evil Queen is not interested in socializing with other beasts that are way too social for her liking. She is a classic case of give the girl what she wants and she will remain happy. Like soccar balls, tennis balls, a 2 litre pop bottle, some sticks, a kong, and a warm place to sleep at night and a human to talk to if she feels the need. Happy Birthday Evilest of Queens... Cicely.

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