Monday, September 25, 2006

What was that fourth picture again..?

It's the place where these great creatures "pop out" from, and then saunter down the road, like this great fellow. This is a photo of his hind end, naturally he would be walking away from the camera... as these great beasts are not only people shy, but naturally camera shy as well.
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1 comment:

Outhouse Capital of Canada said...

Hi Deanna, Nice to hear from you and thanks for dropping by my blog, I'm having fun with it, also it lets me show off my pics..

My bear was not high in the tree and only 10 feet from the side of the road plus the van between it and me. It was starting to get dark so hard to get a good pic in the failing light and didn't want to use flash.

The mine was lots of fun, but a work out climbing back up 600 steps, I can recommend it to all