Sunday, September 03, 2006

What goes around comes around... or does it?

The other day I was at the INDOOR ((ick!)) pool, watching that crazy girl of mine doing her finswim. Yes, it is as it sounds. My cell phone started to ring. It was the crazy neighbours that own the crazy dog that gave me 14 bruises on my left arm, and 1 bruise on my right arm... (( so guess which hand I use??)) She wanted to know what I would be making them for dinner. I was taken aback, due to the bad reception that I was getting, and most importantly, I was trying to figure out if I really had invited them over for dinner. It could have been possible, but more likely not... we are the sort of people that do things very last minute... like... "here have dinner... I just made it".. kind of people. The more lead time you give yourself, the worse/far too elaborate the preparations are... (sorry MARTHA)....anyways.. me, in my simple minded memories/ways wondered if myself or the king had invited them. I was sure I hadn't, but she was quite insistant that they were coming over, plus they had "a to die for" appetizer that she was bringing with them. Alrighty then.. I said to myself... I best think of something really really quickly... because she will be marching through my front door.. and she is expecting something... in the end, it all turned out fine... although I had to miss my bear watching for one night, plus I also missed my "time-sensitive" reading festival of library books. Oh well.. there are some things that you just can not do... trust me, I was tempted to go and watch those bears...

ANYWAYS.... the following day, the king with his newly learned behaviour of inviting oneself over for dinner... kind of like.. KNOCK, KNOCK, I am here, what have you got?? So, there we were yesterday... our hugely tall family, and The Pickaspats having dinner.. of course the king called me, and asked what we had.. and as per usual my response was 'very little' that you can drag out of the fridge this second... which frustrates me, due to the fact that I just spent 289.00 at Safeway.. and I am not certain what I have to show for it... other than I racked up 420 airmiles in the process... but anyways.. on the spur, there is nothing of extreme excitement that I could tell him to bring, although I could have asked him to bring the great appetizer that the crazy friend brought over the night before.. but then we would have had to walk it past her house... kind of like a parade.. "look what we have got"... as the crazy neighbour that brought the really great appetizer, also left all the left overs, on her insistance, but I think that may be mainly due to the fact that she doesn't want to have to clean up the leftovers, and take them home.. I could be wrong, but I am just guessing here.... so that didn't seem right to ask the king to take back with him.

So, as it turned out... we spent the evening at neighbours down the street, enjoying their fine eats... so I think... if I can time it correctly... I will do the same for them, plus I will add the crazy neighbours, because that is what makes it fun... living next to crazy people. ... I won't even begin to think of what the neighbours think of me, although I do profess to already being psychotic and crazy... how much worse can it get... OH.. I retract that.... I witnessed nice and crazy at it's finest the other night.. the mother from "the country people's home" that is two doors over kissed her son in law on the mouth, to say good-night.

OK, that is just FUCKING PSYCHOTIC PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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