Monday, September 04, 2006

Behold... some bears.

Not a bad looking fella for early in the evening.
This little guy snuck across.. his mother was still rumbling around in the bushes, it is not evident here, but he was quite fuzzy, although this picture is too blurry... my human eyes did get a very good visual on him.
Whoops, something scared him and he ran back... he is looking in the other direction and contemplating the ditch.
Here's a big guy about to jump into the stream of my headlights, except that some crazy woman was yelling at me to move my vehicle, as she was scared to drive through. Oh well, you can see his outline in the bottom centre of the photo.. of course you have to remember that these were taken in pitch black... yes, I am a desperate bear watcher.

Not a bad night mind you.. we got to see a total of fifteen. Pretty good.... I may even of had a better shot of one had it emerged from the bushes six feet away from where I was parked... that's okay, there's always tomorrow.
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